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What are the technological innovation directions in the daily chemical industry?

What are the technological innovation directions in the daily chemical industry?

The technological innovation directions of the daily chemical industry include the following aspects:

1. Raw material innovation

- Develop new natural plant extracts with better skin care, hair care or cleaning effects and high safety.

- Research and apply raw materials from biotechnology sources, such as fermentation products, bioactive peptides, etc.

- Explore functional materials, such as new materials with self-repairing, antibacterial, anti-pollution and other properties.

2. Formula optimization

- Use nanotechnology to improve the permeability and stability of active ingredients and improve product effects.

- Develop smart formulas that can automatically adjust performance according to environmental conditions (such as temperature, humidity) or skin conditions.

- Develop low-irritation, mild and efficient cleaning formulas.

3. Production process innovation

- Use continuous production processes to improve production efficiency, reduce costs, reduce energy consumption and waste emissions.

- Apply 3D printing technology to achieve the production of personalized customized products.

- Introduce intelligent manufacturing systems to achieve automated, digital and intelligent monitoring and management of the production process.
4. Packaging technology innovation

- Research and develop intelligent packaging, such as packaging with shelf life monitoring, anti-counterfeiting function, usage reminder and other features.
- Promote biodegradable and recyclable environmentally friendly packaging materials.
- Explore innovative packaging design to improve the convenience and aesthetics of products.
5. Testing and analysis technology

- Use advanced testing instruments and analytical methods to more accurately evaluate product performance and safety.
- Develop rapid testing technology to achieve real-time quality monitoring of raw materials and finished products.
6. Green chemical technology

- Develop green synthesis routes to reduce the use of chemical reagents and the generation of harmful substances.
- Promote water-based and solvent-free production processes.
7. Digital technology application

- Use artificial intelligence and big data for market forecasting, consumer demand analysis and product development.
- Provide consumers with product experience and purchase recommendations through virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology.
8. Efficacy evaluation technology

- Establish a more scientific and objective product efficacy evaluation system, including innovations in in vivo and in vitro experimental methods.
9. Sustainable development technology

- Research new technologies for wastewater treatment, waste gas reduction and resource recycling to achieve green production in factories.
10. Interdisciplinary integration

- Combine knowledge and technology from multiple disciplines such as medicine, pharmacy, and physics to develop innovative daily chemical products.




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